Δευτέρα 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Repeated story.

And I'm  not so sure anymore. My eyes see and my heart doesn't  want to believe.
Why is it that men always betray us?
 Why is it that they crave female validation so much that they are eager to cheat on the person they chose?
If you want to do that  keep your single status and don't  drag anyone else in your mess. Why get someone so invested in you just to tear them down?
Do human beings mean so little to you?
 And don't  use the "I didn't  know any better" excuse on me. If that was done to a person you hold dear you would be out for blood.
 Set them free if you don't  care, just don't  drag them along in this foolish endeavor  of filling your bottomless ego.
Silly boys never grow up and it's  our curse to fall for them.
What is it that you want from me?
Am I just a convenient asset?
A tool to keep the loneliness away?
 Just another rock in your path that shined a little more than the rest?
 Or was I a haste decision?
 No matter what the answer is, all I know is that you spoke some heavy words and I expect you to stand by them.

Be honest, it saves everybody's  time.

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